Mission StigmaFree

There are many words in the English language that native speakers use incorrectly or without fully understanding the definition. A few that come to mind are:

  • DILEMMA. A word most often used incorrectly to describe any problem. The prefix of the term “di” means “two” and informs the actual definition of the term - a difficult problem with two outcomes, usually unfavorable.

  • EGREGIOUS. Today, "egregious" is typically used to describe something as remarkably bad. The original definition of the word was the exact opposite - remarkably good. However, as people used the word ironically, the definition was reformed as the negative.

  • LITERALLY. This is a word frequently discussed at my house. While the word is synonymous with "exactly,” people tend to use it to mean "figuratively," which is the opposite meaning.

I recently have come to realize there is SO much more for me to learn about the term ... STIGMA. It’s a term I have used mainly to describe a negative or unfair stereotype that general public holds about people or things. When you absorb the actual definition and reflect on its meaning - a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person - you begin to see the full breadth and depth of the term. Beyond just the term, too, there are many more circumstances with common stigmas than I ever imagined. It reinforces - you don’t know what you don’t know.

As a scientist, CEO, wife, and mom, I am driven to investigate the mysteries of life. So ...

Mission StigmaFree is a discovery process I am starting today. My personal goal in Mission StigmaFree is to learn as much as I can before end of 2023 about various types of stigmas, how stigmas occur, and what tools are available to abolish stigmas, especially resources provided by Associations. I will make progress towards my goal by celebrating national days found on the www.NationalToday.com website, absorbing educational materials available, and sharing my discoveries throughout the process.

I invite you to learn from my discoveries by following me and this blog, and act in ways to abolish stigmas. Mission StigmaFree begins by exploring stigmas related to grief in light of National Grief Awareness Day – August 30, 2023.



5 Lessons For Grief


The Passion Begins