Halfway Day

How exciting – I am at the halfway point by time and target research of my personal #MissionStigmaFree! My overarching goal is to learn more about the 7 main types of stigmas by the end of 2023. I am two months into my journey, I completed the research on the 4th main type of stigma, and I have 3 more types to research with two months to go.

As a quick overview, the following is a summary of my high-level research and thoughts you can find at
1. AUGUST: I kicked off my personal journey, explored types of stigmas, learned about stigmas related to grief for National Grief Awareness Day (annual on 8/30), and gained exposure to the 7 main types of stigmas: public, self, perceived, label, structural, health practitioner, and associative.

2. SEPTEMBER: in connection to National Suicide Prevention Month, I explored Associative stigma and along the journey, I also shared three lessons being a health and life advocate and created an illustration with definitions to visualize and understand the similarities and differences of stigma, bias, stereotype, prejudice, and discrimination.

3. OCTOBER: In celebration of National Health Literacy Month, I learned about health literacy resources available through the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and connected my learnings about health practitioner stigma and structural stigma to health literacy.

- To finish off October, I will share my discoveries about the 4th main type of stigma, label stigma.
- In November, I will research perceived stigma and self-stigma related to celebrating Veteran’s Day, World Diabetes Day, and Thanksgiving.
- Finishing off my stigma research in December with public stigma and connecting it to World AIDS Day and International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

Happy halfway day! Enjoy!


Water Quality Stigma


- 3 of 7 - Structural Stigma